
Best Rear Lights For Your Vehicle

If you are driving at night, it can be extremely difficult to see. That’s why vehicle manufacturers offer numerous types of lights for your vehicle. These  rear lights are specifically designed to illuminate the road and make it easier for other drivers to see you. They also help you see other vehicles and obstacles much better.

Although each vehicle model is different, most vehicles have similar parts. This article lists some of the best-rated rear lights for your vehicle. You’ll find options that are affordable and easy to install. Keep reading to find out more information.

Halogen Rear Lights

Our Pick - 3GT Transit Mk8 tipper rear light unit

The first type of light on our list is the halogen rear light. These are the standard lights on most Vehicles and provide good light output. They are the most affordable rear lights and provide a very wide light range. They also have a good amount of hidden light output and aren’t too bright. The only downside to these lights is that they have a shorter lifespan compared to some other types. However, this isn’t a huge issue as they are quite affordable and easy to replace. They tend to be bulkier too in order to accomadate the size of each bulb.

LED Rear Lights

Our Pick - Ecco L78 LED Rear Combination Light

LED rear lights have become very common on Vehicles in the past few years. They require no maintenance and can be more affordable than their halogen counterparts as they become more popular. They are also more visible compared to the halogen rear lights. Many LED lights also have cosmetically pleasing functions such as sequential indicator or solid neon effect light segments.

Rear Fog Light

Our Pick - Fristom FT123 LED Rear Fog And Tail Light

You shouldn’t have to worry about foggy conditions when you’re driving at night. LED rear fog lights make it much easier for other drivers to see you and shouldn’t be rated any lower on our list. These lights aren’t too expensive being a single function light. They are also very durable and have a lifespan of many years. . If you are driving in relatively foggy areas, you couldnt ask for a better light.

Trailer Rear Lights

Our Pick - FT700 LED Rear Trailer Light

For most drivers with trailers, the best rear lights will be the FT700 LED Rear Trailer Light. These lights provide great visibility and are very durable. They aren’t the most expensive option on our list as they are still very affordable. If you are looking for an even cheaper option, we recommend checking out the Fristom FT277 trailer LED rear light These lights provide a lot of light for their price and are very durable.


When it comes to vehicle accessories, you want to make sure you are getting the best possible deal. Because of this, we have created this list of the 4 best rear lights for your vehicle.

These lights will come in handy when you need them the most. They will make it much easier for you to see while you are driving at night and won’t have to worry about foggy conditions. Now you just have to decide which option is right for you and your vehicle. View our extensive catalogue of rear vehicle lighting to see what we have to offer!

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